Days 25-27: PN23

Today, Day 27, is a Sunday, which means that it was Thursday when I last wrote.

It was a very busy week. So busy, I forgot to review things. I’ll catch up on that a bit later.

Tonight while I was at work, I confided in one of my managers that I get defensive when I get triggered. We talked, and I shared how I felt about some of the changes at work, especially my schedule start for one of my shifts. I told her that I get scared and paranoid; she replied, “Don’t let your brain play tricks on you.”

Easier said than done, but oh so worth trying.

So I’m saying NO to believing my fears over what I see. I learned a long time ago that Actions Speak Louder than Words. So I’m going to look to the actions of my coworkers rather than their words. Lots of gossip; even more activity. It’s going to be ok—especially because I’m shifting from old paradigms to new ones.

I’m saying NO.

Peace be with you.


Then to Now: PN23


Days 23-24: PN23