A month later…

Clear road through wintry landscape

… and I’m making another journal entry. That’s actually funny considering that I’m also taking an accounting class right now so yeah… journal entry.

I am glad that I have committed to this website and Project NO which is a separate blog. In the time since I first set this up, I’ve realized that this website is really a publishing and consumer products company rather than a services company. It doesn’t mean you can’t reach out to me via email if you have a coaching or speaking engagement request, but really, this is my outlet for my writing projects and consumer products ideas that I want to share with the world. I guess you could say this is my way of putting what I’ve learned into the world to help the next person AND my way of taking care of myself now and in the future BOTH.

It feels good to see that more clearly.

So, stay tuned as best you can. As of this blog post, I still haven’t made this website public because I am still working out the design and structure of it. I am blogging so you can read how certain things have come together, even if it’s after-the-fact. Nothing wrong with that. It just means I’ll have content for you when I do publish.

Thanks for reading. Until next time…


Going Live Today


It’s official.